Friday, November 29, 2013

Food for YOUR Soul

Have you ever wondered about working in a soup kitchen?

Cooking good food to nourish another's body and soul is one way I look after MY need to feed my Soul and to be of service to others. In my home, we a range from vegan vegetarian to carnivore extraordinaire so I have become adapt cooking-diversity. I find it rewarding to cook up something nutritious that also meets the health needs and taste preferences of my family and dinner guests.

My satisfaction of cooking for others and being of service grew exponentially when I had the opportunity to work in a neighbourhood Soup Kitchen. Working with others in the kitchen and eating and chatting with diners who came in for a hot meal made me feel like I was in my right place doing what I ought to.

When I watched this YouTube this morning my good memories of working in the soup kitchen came back to me. If YOU ever thought about working in a soup kitchen, watch Executive Chef Jeff Ansorge tell you why he believes working in a soup kitchen is good for the diners AND the Cook's Soul. Then, go to your local soup kitchen and become part of the good work of nourishing other's -- and yourself.